Paul Anticoni
Chief Executive

Stacey Swimer
Director of International Programmes and Partnerships

Alisa Avigdor
Director of Philanthropy

Isobel Collinge
Director of Finance

Janice Lopatkin
Programme Director, UK

Rabbi Dina Brawer
Executive Director World Jewish Relief USA

Alex Brookes
Deputy Director of UK Programmes

Rachel Stein
Director of Communications & Marketing

Tessa Drysdale
Director of People & Culture

Abelia Leskin
Programme Manager - STEP Forward

Keri Bird
Programme Operations Manager

Becca James
STEP Programme Officer

Abrar Hussain
Programme Finance Officer

Adina Birnbaum
Fundraising Administrator

Alice Greider
Senior Older People Programmes Officer

Amanda Kyte
Office Manager

Beth Saffer
Head of Older Peoples Programmes
Caroline Gomez
HR Advisor

Cosmo Robertson Charlton
Senior Marketing & Communications Officer

Debbie Cantor
Programme Manager, Homes for Ukraine

Ekaterina Mitiaev
Head of Impact and Livelihoods

Emily Cookson
Refugee Programme Manager, North East

Gill Bland
Head of Income and Supporter Services
Esther Tsz Wing Ng
Trust Fundraiser
Judith Grace
UK Refugee Programme Assistant

Julie Goodman
Events and Campaigns Administrator and Analyst

Hilary Chaplin
Income Manager
Jane Lelence
Graphic Designer

Rachel Geron
Head of Marketing

Ben Marks
Head of Media & Storytelling

Janice Axelbank
Head of Brand & Creative

John Kanerick
Telephone Reception and Supporter Care Assistant
Kanana Mbogori
UK Programmes Team Manager

Liubov Rainchuk
Programme and MEL Manager

Maria Gonzalez
Income and Finance Support Manager

Monika Kosinska
Finance Manager
Natalia Dvorova
UK Refugee Programme Assistant

Natasha Niman
Ukraine Refugee Programme Manager

Richa Raman
Digital Marketing Specialist

Richard Budden
Head of Individual Giving & Legacies
Richard Shaw
REP Team Leader (South West)

Robina Ibanda
Programmes Finance Manager

Rosa Mutchnick
Community Education and International Projects Officer

Sabina Artemieva
Support Services Lead

Sam Pearl
Head of Events

Shelley Lief
HR Advisor

Simone Colp
Senior Trust Fundraiser
Sophie Leigh
Events Co-ordinator

Spencer Leland
Livelihoods and MEL Programme Manager

Tom Edwards
Head of Major Giving

Vicki Russell
Fundraising and Income Manager

Veronika Goria-Savo
UK Programmes Team Leader

Vladlena Ozhydrianova
Ukraine Programme Manager
The governing body of World Jewish Relief is our Council of Management, run by our charity Trustees.

Maurice Helfgott

Henry Grunwald OBE KC

Jeremy Newman

Hilda Worth
Vice Chair

Nigel Ross
Honorary Life Vice President

Linda Rosenblatt MBE
Honorary Life Vice President

Nigel Layton
Honorary Life Vice President

Ashley Mitchell
Honorary Life Vice President

Jonathan Joseph
Honorary Life Vice President
James Libson
Honorary Life Vice President

Dina Shiloh

Elliot Moss

Rachel Ingram

Alan Rousso

Annabel Mahgerefteh

Prerna Wadikar
Kevin Sneader

Rob Ginsberg
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