Pavel’s Story
For Pavel (pictured), the support of the livelihood development programme during lockdown has been transformative. Pavel is 29 years old and lives in Lviv, Ukraine. He is motivated to work but has struggled to find employment as he is severely disabled. He is a good communicator, yet he finds that because of his disability people do not understand him. Before he joined the project he was receiving frequent job rejections, which left him feeling depressed. Through the project he learned skills such as how to work with a team, as well as receiving practical support with how to move around a workplace environment. Crucially, the relationships he built with other participants motivated Pavel to start working on himself again and look for work with the project recruiter.

During the pandemic, the project recruiter was so impressed with Pavel that he was offered a role as a recruitment consultant himself. However, he did not have the technology needed to take on this role from home. With our Covid-19 Emergency Appeal funds, Pavel was given a laptop, which allowed him to work effectively from home. With technology and training tailored to his needs, he has had a smooth transition into the role.
”I was happy that the project staff gave me both moral support, through a psychologist and recruitment consultant, and material support in the form of a computer that enables me to work”