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October 11, 2023

Afghanistan Earthquakes


The streets in Afghanistan

Western Afghanistan has been struck by two devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquakes: the first on Saturday 7th October and the second on Wednesday 11th October. So far, over 2,000 people have sadly lost their lives and many more have been injured. This number is expected to rise as the true extent of the damage is realised.

Whole villages have been reduced to rubble and powerful aftershocks caused further destruction to villages in the Zenda Jan district of Herat province. Members of the community, with the support of aid organisations, continue to search for survivors. The next 24 hours are critical. 

Due to Taliban control of Afghanistan, it is a challenging environment to operate in. Restrictions limit access of aid and many humanitarian organisations are prevented from providing much-needed support.  

Initial assessments of need include food, medicine and shelter. Whilst the temperatures remain warm during the day, temperatures plummet at night, exposing those displaced to the elements.  

World Jewish Relief is monitoring the situation closely through our partner. Our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by these devastating quakes. 

World Jewish Relief has a history of operating in Afghanistan, most recently after the Taliban takeover in August 2021, providing life-saving food, shelter, winter support and other humanitarian supplies through our partner the International Blue Crescent (IBC). We have also provided life-changing employment support to Afghan refugees in the UK, helping them to provide for themselves once again and integrate into their new life.