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June 10, 2020
Corona Virus

Young Committee make video to say thank you.


Young Committee make video to say thank you.

By Hannah Strauss, Young World Jewish Relief committee member

The Young World Jewish Relief Committee are constantly amazed and inspired by the work that world Jewish Relief does across the world. We know that COVID-19 has had a huge global impact and that the charity sector in particular has been hit badly.

During one of our committee meetings, we discussed how we could reach beneficiaries and partners around the world. We considered writing letters or making phone calls but logistically this was difficult, especially in a time of crisis. So instead, we have made a short video that comes from the heart and expresses just how grateful we are to all of World Jewish Relief’s partners. We hope it is something that they can show to the beneficiaries of the charity who might be particularly struggling in the current situation. We want them to know they are not alone.

A number of the committee have had the privilege of seeing World Jewish Relief’s incredible work first-hand through Insight Trips to Eastern Europe. We thought of the communities who were so welcoming to all of us and so exceptionally positive despite having so little. We hope that this short video might make these people feel more connected and know that other people are thinking of them at this time.

Thank you World Jewish Relief partners!

The Young World Jewish Relief Committee is a community of young professionals, who come together to organise events and activities designed to promote socialising and networking whilst learning about the work of World Jewish Relief and raising vital funds to assist our transformative work.  Find out more information on the Young World Jewish Relief webpage.

The committee is chaired by Rosa Shaul and Katie Neville and is made up of the following individuals: Hannah Strauss, Leor Mizrachi , Sarah Beth Neville, Daniel Bratt , Sarah Bright , Talia Robinson, Rachel Rose, Jodie Dacosta and Gina Sternberg.