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September 21, 2018

Mexico Earthquake Appeal: One Year On


Mexico Earthquake Appeal: One Year On

One year ago, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake and a series of after-shocks struck Mexico. The death toll was over two hundred, with thousands of buildings destroyed and thousands of vulnerable people made homeless.

World Jewish Relief launched an emergency appeal to meet the urgent needs of those affected by the devastation. Thanks to your fantastic generosity, we were able to raise over £139,000 which has made a difference to countless people’s lives. 

Immediate Response

In the days following the earthquake, World Jewish Relief felt it our imperative to act on behalf of the British Jewish community. We partnered with Cadena, a trusted Jewish non-profit organisation based in Mexico City. Together we conducted needs assessments in the most severely affected areas, and directed our support to communities in the state of Puebla (south east Mexico). Targeting the most vulnerable, we provided 95 shelters, putting a roof over the heads of 470 people.

Additionally we decided to convert five of the shelters into make-shift classrooms for 150 children as many schools were forced to remain closed due to structural instability. These tents also included a water filter, solar light, portable stove and kitchen ware.


Although we had completed the first phase of our response, the situation for the most vulnerable families remained dire. They now had temporary shelter, but they still had no long-term home to which they could return. With this in mind, we partnered with local organisation Construyendo. A non-governmental organisation founded in 2008, Construyendo promotes solidarity through construction projects that improve the quality of life of impoverished families.

Together, we have completely rebuilt the homes of four vulnerable families living in Puebla – one of the most severely impacted regions of Mexico – with three more to be completed in October. At each stage of the process, the team worked closely with the families to ensure they were aware of what we would provide and how their lives might change. These families now have a home with three bedrooms, a bathroom and living space.

Thanks to your generous support, we have enabled those impacted by the earthquake to take their first steps on the road to long-term recovery.