We’ve changed 42,899 lives this year
Our July 2016-June 2017 financial year has ended and we’ve been looking back at all that we’ve achieved over that past year, thanks to the generosity of our fantastic supporters. Here are just a few highlights:
This year:
We supported 42,899 people supported in 19 countries
327 homes have been repaired in 12 locations.
2,397 people in 6 countries have received homecare services.
2,529 people have attended our ‘Warm Home’ gatherings to combat loneliness.
2,600 older people have been helped with medication, eye surgery or glasses.
6,294 people have been given food packages, food cards or hot meals.
7,086 people participated in our employment programmes.
We have responded to disasters in Haiti, East Africa and Ukraine as well as continuing our recovery programme in Nepal.
• In East Africa we provided 42 litres of water a day for 2 weeks to 1,010 households and 2 months of food vouchers to 947 families.
• In East Ukraine 7,400 people were supported with essential items including food, firewood, toiletries and hygiene packages.
This year we have run a support centre for women in Turkey and both a mobile school and legal service for unaccompanied minors in Greece. We’ve also supported Syrian Refugees to find employment in the UK, working with 50 clients to provide English language support, vocational training and job brokerage. So far, 13 have found work including a civil engineer, a dental technician and a bricklayer and many more are about to enter the workplace. In January we expanded the programme to 11 more locations around the UK.
We have stepped up our dementia care programme in Eastern Europe, partnering with Jewish Care to train 445 people in dementia and person-centred care and starting 2 dementia day care centres.
7,086 people participated in our employment programmes.
We have trained 577 people with disabilities in professional skills as a platform towards employment. Despite huge barriers, 159 people with disabilities found jobs, often for the first time in their lives.
In Moldova and Ukraine, 42 entrepreneurs, supported by us, launched small businesses, creating 61 jobs for vulnerable community members.
77% of graduates from our employment training programmes have found employment – and 78% of those successfully employed now earn more than the average salary in their respective country.
In Uganda we began supporting the Jewish Putti community for the first time by training them in agricultural and entrepreneurial techniques. In just four months they have grown a whopping 87,000kg of onions, 48,000kg of peppers and 10,068 watermelons.