David’s full story
David is 66 years old and was born in Chisinau, Moldova, but lived in Ukraine for much of his life working as a caretaker in a Yeshiva. He was raised by his single mother, Chaya. After finishing school, he worked as a technician and a labourer. After the war began in March 2022, he returned to Chisinau. David has never had a permanent home or a permanent job. He was unable to restore his Moldovan citizenship, but he was not a citizen of Ukraine either. Since David was unable to apply for a pension, he had to live on donations from the Rabbi of a Synagogue in Chisinau. In 2023, he became a client of Hesed Yehuda and receives financial assistance based on the criteria.
At the end of 2023, David sadly experienced a sharp deterioration in his health, but he did not have health insurance, nor temporary protection status. He could not get a doctor’s appointment or undergo the necessary examinations. Hesed helped him complete the paperwork, paid for medical examinations and expensive medications. David’s health gradually stabilised, and our project funded urgent dental treatment and prosthetics for David.

His improved health became an incentive for David to obtain documents, apply for citizenship, and look for housing. David no longer suffers from anxiety and embarrassment when he reads the weekly chapter of the Torah in the synagogue. He has joined social activities and made new friends. For the first time after a long break, David celebrated his birthday with new acquaintances.
“My parents always told me that I had to study and work to achieve something in life. But my life didn’t work out, and I myself am to blame for this. It’s good that I always met people on my life’s path who didn’t judge me. But helped me. It’s good that there is your organisation, always ready to lend a shoulder in difficult times. When I found myself in my hometown, but without a home, without money, without old friends, you became my friends, my family. Having received your help, I became a different person! In the synagogue, I met a woman with whom I might find happiness and peace. All these wonderful changes have happened thanks to you!”